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Publications transversales
Sandrine Mathy, Hélène Bouscasse, Sonia Chardonnel, Aina Chalabaev, Stephan Gabet, Carole Treibich, Rémy Slama. "Protocol of an interdisciplinary and multidimensional assessment of pollution reduction measures in urban areas: MobilAir Project." Ancillary Benefits of Climate Policy. 2019, pp. 325-45.
Claudia Teran-Escoba, doctorante laboratoires SENS (Sport Environnement Social) et PACTE (Sciences sociales), Université Grenoble-Alpes : " L'activité physique pendant nos déplacements : bénéfique pour la santé, le bien-être et… l’environnement ?"
OCDE (2020), « Addressing societal challenges using transdisciplinary research », OECD Science, Technology and Industry Policy Papers, n° 88, Éditions OCDE, Paris.
Work Package 1
Des sources de pollution aux impacts sanitaires
Articles scientifiques
Calas A, Uzu G, Besombes JL, Martins J, Redaelli M, Weber S, Charron A, Albinet A, Chervier F., Brulfert G, Meshba B, Favez O, and Jaffrezo JL (2019) Seasonal variations and chemical predictors of Oxidative Potential of PM measured with 2 different methods, for 7 urban French sites. Atmosphere, doi.org/10.3390/atmos10110698.
Dällenbach KR*, Uzu G, Jiang J, Cassagnes LE, Vlachou A, Stefenelli G, Canonaco F, Albinet A, Aksoyoglu SS, Dommen I, Baltensperger U, El Haddad I, Jaffrezo JL, PrévôtASH (2019) Regulating sources driving PM’s oxidative potential may be essential for reducing the related health impacts. Nature, 2020, vol. 587, no 7834, p. 414-419.
Samake, A., Jaffrezo, J. L., Favez, O., Weber, S., Jacob, V., Albinet, A., ... & Uzu, G. (2019). Polyols and glucose particulate species as tracers of primary biogenic organic aerosols at 28 French sites / Samake et al., 2019, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 3357–3374, 2019.
Weber S, Salameh D, Albinet A, Alleman L, Waked A, Besombes JL, Jacob V, Guillaud G, Meshba B, Rocq B, Hulin A, Dominik-Sègue M, Chrétien E, Jaffrezo JL, and Favez O (2019) A harmonized PM source apportionment at 15 different sites in France using a constrained PMF approach. Atmosphere, doi.org/10.3390/atmos10060310.
Bessagnet B, Menut L, Lapere R, Couvidat F, Jaffrezo JL, Mailler S, Favez O, Pennel R, and G Siour (2020) High Resolution Chemistry Transport Modeling with the on-line CHIMERE-WRF model over the French Alpes –analysis of a feedback of surface particulate matter concentrations on mountain meteorology. Atmosphere, doi: 10.3390/atmos11060565.
Leni, Z., Cassagnes, L. E., Daellenbach, K. R., El Haddad, I., Vlachou, A., Uzu, G., ... & Geiser, M. (2020). Oxidative stress-induced inflammation in susceptible airways by anthropogenic aerosol. PloS one, 15(11), e0233425. lire
Zhang Y, Albinet A, Petit JE, Jacob V, Chevier F, Gille G, Pontet S, Chrétien E, Dominik-Sègue M, Levigoureux G, Mocnik G, Gros V, Jaffrezo JL, Favez O (2020) Substantial brown carbon emissions from wintertime residential wood burning over France: implications for air quality monitoring and climate studies. STOTEN, doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140752
Rigler M, Drinovec L, Lavric G, Vlachou A, Prévôt ASH, Jaffrezo JL, Stavroulas I, Sciare J, Burger J, Kranjc I, Turšic J, Hansen ADA, and Močnik G (2020) A new method and instrument for the measurement of carbonaceous aerosols. AtmosMeas. Tech., doi.org/10.5194/amt-13-4333-2020
Bacer, S., Jomaa, F., Beaumet, J., Gallée, H., Le Bouëdec, E., Ménégoz, M., & Staquet, C. (2021). Impact of climate change on wintertime European atmospheric blocking. Weather and Climate Dynamics Discussions, 1-21.
Brighty, A. M., Jacob, V., Uzu, G., Borlaza, L., Conil, S., Hueglin, C., ... & Jaffrezo, J. L. (2021). Cellulose in atmospheric particulate matter. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 1-43.
Borlaza LJ, Weber S, Uzu G, Jacob V, Cañete T, Micallef S, Trébuchon C, Slama R, Favez O, and Jaffrezo JL (2021a) Disparities in particulate matter (PM10) origins and oxidative potential at a city-scale (Grenoble, France) -Part I: Source apportionment at three neighbouringsites. Atmos Chem Phys, doi.org/10.5194/acp-2020-1144
Borlaza LJ, Weber S, Jaffrezo JL, Houdier S, Slama R, Rieux C, Albinet A, Micallet S, Trébuchon C, and Uzu G (2021b) Disparities in PM10 origins and oxidative potential at a city-scale (Grenoble, France) -Part II: Sources of PM10 oxidative potential using multiple linear regression analysis and the predictive applicability of multilayer perceptron neural network analysis. Atmos. Chem. Phys., doi.org/10.5194/acp-21-9719-2021
Favez O, Weber S, Petit JE, Alleman L, Albinet A, Riffault V, Chazeau B, Amodeo T, Salameh D, Zhang Y, Srivastava D, Samaké A, Aujay R, Papin A, Bonnaire N, Boullanger C, Chatain M, Chevrier F, Detournay A, Dominik-Sègue M, Falhun R, Garbin C, Ghersi V, Grignion G, Levigoureux G, Pontet S, Rangognio J, Zhang S, Besombe JL, Conil S, Uzu G, Savarino J, Marchand N, Gros V, Marchand C, Jaffrezo JL and Leoz-Garziandia E (2021) Overview of the French operational network for in situ observation of PM chemical composition and sources in urban environments (CARA program). Atmosphere, doi.org/10.3390/atmos12020207
Samaké A, Bonin A, Jaffrezo JL, Taberlet P, Uzu G, Conil S, Favez O, Thomasson A, Chazeau B, Marchand N, and Martins JMF (2021) Variability of the microbiome in atmospheric PM10 in several
Weber S, Uzu G, Favez O, Borlaza L, Calas A, Salameh D, Chevrier F, Allard J, Besombes JL, Albinet A, Pontet S, Meshbah B, Gille G, Zhang S, Pallares C, Leoz-Garziandia E, and Jaffrezo JL (2021) Source apportionment of Oxidative Potential of atmospheric PM10: synthesis of 15 yearly time series in urban areas in France. Atmos. Chem. Phys., doi.org/10.5194/acp-2021-77
Manuscrits en préparation ou soumis
Favez O, Jaffrezo JL, Uzu G and all (2022) Long term trends of chemical components in PM10 from the urban background of Grenoble (France).
Marsal, A, Siroux, V., Slama, R., Jaffrezo, JL, (2022) Prenatal exposure to PM5, Oxidative Potential and lung function in preschool aged children: a prospective study
Dominutti, P, Uzu, G,…Jaffrezo, JL (2022) OP OH measurements in Grenoble Metropolitan area
Le Bouëdec E., C. Chemel, C. Staquet. Imprint of topography and snow cover on the boundary layer flow in the Grenoble valley.
Enzo Le Bouëdec, Mikhail Krinitskiy, Chantal Staquet and Charles Chemel, 2019. Weather-type decomposition over the Grenoble Valley using aconvolutional neural network. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-14563-1, 2019 EGU General Assembly 2019.
Enzo Le Bouëdec, Chantal Staquet, Charles Chemel, Mikhail Krinitskiy, 2019. Pollution in the Grenoble valley: a weather-type approach. International Conference of Alpine Meteorology, La Garda, Italie, 2-6 septembre 2019 (oral).
Bouëdec, E. L., Krinitskiy, M., Staquet, C., & Chemel, C. (2019, January). Weather-type decomposition over the Grenoble valley using a convolutional neural network. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 21).
Le Bouëdec, E., Krinitskiy, M., Staquet, C., & Chemel, C. (2019, April). Weather-type decomposition over the Grenoble valley using a convolutional neural network. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (p. 14563).
Polyols and glucose particulate species as tracers of primary biogenic organic aerosols at 28 French sites. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. European Geosciences Union Conférence
Personal exposure to PM2.5 oxidative potential and its relation to birth outcomes. Conférence européenne EAC, Allemagne
Work Package 2
Des comportements à l'urbanisme
Articles scientifiques
Lo Feudo, F., Morton, B., Prados, E., Sturm, P., & Capelle, T. (2019). An operational application of a LUTI model: scenarization process, implementation and results of a Tranus-based simulation model for the Urban Region of Grenoble. Transportation Research Procedia, 41.
MATHY, S., BOUSCASSE, H., CHARDONNEL, S., CHALABAËV, A., GABET, S., TREIBICH, C., SLAMA R., Protocol of an Interdisciplinary and Multidimensional Assessment of Pollution Reduction Measures in Urban Areas: MobilAir Project. In: Ancillary Benefits of Climate Policy / Buchholz W., MarkandyaA., RübbelkeD., VögeleS. (eds). Springer; 2020. 3. p. 325-345p
Ginoux, C., Isoard-Gautheur, S., Teran-Escobar, C., Forestier, C., Chalabaev, A., Clavel, A., & Sarrazin, P. (2021). Being active during the lockdown: the recovery potential of physical activity for well-being. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(4), 1707.
Teran-Escobar, C., Forestier, C., Ginoux, C., Isoard-Gautheur, S., Sarrazin, P., Clavel, A., & Chalabaev, A. (2021). Individual, Sociodemographic, and Environmental Factors Related to Physical Activity During the Spring 2020 COVID-19 Lockdown. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 59
Manuscrits en préparation ou soumis
- Bouscasse H., Rejeb R., Mathy S., Treibich C. Is the impact of transport modes on health an individual determinant of transport mode choice?
- Rejeb R., Roussillon B. How to go from intentions to actions to orient individuals to adopt socially desirable behaviours? A laboratory experiment
- Rejeb R., Bouscasse H., Chalabaev A., Mathy S., How do motivations and habits determine intentions to choose less polluting modes of transport? A mediation analysis
- C. Teran-Escobar, S. Duché, S. Chardonnel, K. Tabaka & A. Chalabaev. Understanding the motivations and the obstacles associated to active and sustainable mobility: a cross-sectional study combining psychology and geography
- Blandin L., Bouscasse H., Mathy S. Vulnerabilities and low-emission zones: a case study in Grenoble and Marseille
Bouscasse H., Mathy S., Rejeb R., Treibich C., Is the impact of transport modes on health an individual determinant of transport mode choice? présenté à la 8e conférence de la FAERE, 10 et 11 septembre 2020 et à The International Conference on Mobility Challenges le 14 décembre 2020.
Claudia Teran-Escobar, Rim Rejeb. "Les apports de l'économie comportementale et la psychologie à la création des politiques publiques efficaces : MOBILAIR." Citizen Campus. 26 Janvier 2019, Grenoble, France.
Claudia Teran-Escobar. "Changer l'air (le monde) : Est-ce qu'une folie à nulle autre seconde ?." Concours de vulgarisation scientifique : Cleansearch for the future dans le cadre de l'International Cleantech Week. Premier prix. 18-22 Juin 2019, Annecy, France.
Claudia Teran-Escobar. "L'individu et le changement de mobilité en ville : au-delà des (bonnes) intentions et de la motivation." Rencontres Internationales de la mobilité Durable. 20-24 Septembre. Saint-Tropez, France.
Hélène Bouscasse, Sonia Chardonnel, Sarah Duche & al. "InterMob : protocole d'une intervention contrôlée randomisée ciblant les leviers et les obstacles d'une mobilité plus active et plus durable." Congrès international ACAPS Associatioon des Chercheurs en Activité Physiques et Sportives. 29-31 Octobre 2019. Paris, France. Tabaka, K., Duché, S., Menin, A., & Chardonnel, S. (2020,). Metropolitan Mobility and Daily Activities Diversities and Constraints: The Grenoble Urban Area Case. In CIST2020-Population, temps, territoires. Is the impact of transport modes on health an individual determinant of transport mode choice? Heart 2020 (9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation)
Is the impact of transport modes on health an individual determinant of transport mode choice? AFSE (Association Française des Sciences Economiques) 2020
Is the impact of transport modes on health an individual determinant of transport mode choice? International Conference on Mobility Challenges Is the impact of transport modes on health an individual determinant of transport mode choice? 7ème conférence de la FAERE Is the impact of transport modes on health an individual determinant of transport mode choice? International Conference on Mobility Challenges, Paris, 2020 What role does the impact of transport modes on public and individual health play in our mobility choices.
InterMob : protocole d'une intervention contrôlée randomisée ciblant les leviers et les obstacles d'une mobilité plus active et plus durable. Congrès international ACAPS Association des Chercheurs en Activité Physiques et Sportives. 29-31 Octobre 2019. Paris, France.
Work Package 3
Aide à la décision publique vers des villes plus saines
Articles scientifiques
Morelli, X.; Gabet, S.; Rieux, C.; Bouscasse, H.; Mathy, S.; Slama, R. "Which decreases in air pollution should be targeted to bring health and economic benefits and improve environmental justice?" Environment International. 2019, 129, 538–550.
Bouscasse H, Gabet S, Rieux C, Bouscasse H, Mathy S, Slama R. 2022. Designing local air pollution policies focusing on mobility and heating to avoid a targeted number of pollution-related deaths: forward and backward approaches combining air pollution modeling, health impact assessment and cost-benefit analysis, Environment International, 159.
How ambitious should be public intervention aiming to reduce air pollution in urban areas? An approach allowing to identify air pollution reduction scenarios on the basis of health improvement targets. Urban Transition 2018 : Integrating urban and transport planning, environment and health for healthier urban living, Nov 2018, Barcelone, Spain.
Projet MobilAir, chiffrage économique et mise en oeuvre des actions E-Colloque final du projet européen Climaera (Changement climatique : améliorer la planification territoriale des institutions publiques pour l'adaptation au changement). 24 septembre 2020
Quelle diminution des niveaux ambiants de particules fines cibler pour permettre une amélioration significative de la santé en milieu urbain ? Journées Particules et Santé du Réseau National de Surveillance Aérobiologique (RNSA) et de l'Association pour la Prévention de la Pollution Atmosphérique (APPA). 22-23 novembre, Paris, France
Pollution atmosphérique, quel impact sur la santé de nos jours ? PEPS - Programme d'Education Prévention Santé, organisé par La Ligue contre le cancer de Savoie. 5 novembre, Chambéry, France
La science au service de l’action pour limiter l’impact de la pollution atmosphérique Assises Nationales de la Qualité de l’Air. 9 octobre 2018, Montrouge, France
Which specific urban policies should be implemented by local authorities to achieve a health objective seeking reducing air pollution-attributable mortality? ISEE Conference, August 2020
Designing local air pollution policies focusing on mobility and heating to avoid a targeted number of pollution-related deaths: forward and backward approaches combining air pollution modeling, health impact assessment, and cost-benefit analysis? 8ème Conférence Annuelle de l’Association Française des Economistes de l’Environnement et des Ressources (FAERE), septembre 2021, Grenoble
Stephan Gabet, Jean-Luc Jaffrezo, Sandrine Mathy, Emmanuel Prados, Camille Rieux, Gaëlle Uzu, Rémy Slama, 2018. QAMECS : Qualité de l’Air dans la Métropole grenobloise – Evaluation de l’Environnement, de la Santé et des coûts associés – Rapport scientifique intermédiaire. 52 pages.
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