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Project Organisation and WP

The MobilAir project aims to


  • Better characterize a population’s exposure to pollution by using the specific oxidative potential that allows the chemical composition of articles to be taken into account in assessing the health impact of emission sources (WP1).
  • Identify the economic and psychological levers for sustainable behaviour change (WP 2)
  • Develop a multidimensional and interdisciplinary tool for assessing pollution reduction measures on the concentration of particles, health, traffic and individual mobility, disadvantaged households and inequalities in exposure to pollution (WP 3).
Workpackages Leaders MobilAir Consortium
WP0 : Coordination Sandrine MATHY and Rémy SLAMA GAEL, IAB, IGE, LEGI, LJK, PACTE, SENS, Atmo AuRA
WP1 : From pollution sources to health impacts Jean-Luc JAFFREZO and Chantal STAQUET IAB, IGE, LEGI
WP2 : From behaviours to urban planning Sonia CHARDONNEL and Aïna CHALABAEV GAEL, IAB, LJK, PACTE, SENS, Atmo AuRA
WP3 : Support to decision making toward healthier cities Sandrine MATHY and Rémy SLAMA GAEL, IAB, LJK, Atmo AuRA
WP4 : Data management Emmanuel PRADOS GAEL, IAB, IGE, LEGI, LJK, PACTE, SENS, Atmo AuRA
WP5 : Dissemination Gaëlle UZU and Carole Treibich GAEL, IAB, IGE, LEGI, LJK, PACTE, SENS, Atmo AuRA

Submitted on January 25, 2024

Updated on January 25, 2024